Senior Resultant

Phone: 989-272-5057


About Bryan

Bryan is our newest team member, bringing a wealth of experience and expertise to Iris. Bryan has been involved in the recycling and zero-waste movement for almost 40 years, starting as Operations Coordinator at Recycle Ann Arbor. After almost 20 years with the City of Ann Arbor (retiring as the Solid Waste Coordinator), he returned to Recycle Ann Arbor as Director of Strategy, retiring in January 2023.

In addition to his zero-waste passion, Bryan is deeply involved in religious and interfaith work in Washtenaw County. He currently chairs the Board of the Interfaith Round Table of Washtenaw County and serves on the Washtenaw County Board of Public Works and Recycle Ann Arbor Board of Directors.

My secret superpower is…

Making kids laugh!

My Favorite Game Is…

I couldn’t pick just one. My favorites are Rummikub, Euchre, and Scrabble.

Something on my bucket list…

Buckets full of food scraps, recyclables, and worm castings!!

One environmental issue that I am passionate about is…

I am particularly motivated to blend my concern for our planet with my work in the religious community. There is (or should be) a natural symmetry with the modern environmental movement and faith-based communities, but those practical connections are sometimes lacking. When people of faith engage on this issue in a serious way, it opens up wonderful opportunities to deepen our awe for God and the planet while engaging in social activism, building solidarity and partnership in the process.